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About Homoeopathy

Homoeopathy is a complete system of medicine that embraces a natural, holistic approach to healing. It recognises that all symptoms of ill health are expressions of dis-harmony or dis-ease within the person ,therefore it follows that it is the ‘person’ who needs treatment not the ‘disease’ or ‘illness’ itself.

Because we are all very different, emotionally and physically, we experience illness in our own unique way. Take, for example, the condition of allergic rhinitis – one person may experience a dry mouth, itching eyes and a blocked nose, whilst another may have streaming eyes, runny nose and sore throat. These two people are both suffering from the effects of allergic rhinitis but their particular symptoms are totally individual to them. So the homoeopathic remedies chosen would be different and selected according to the ‘symptom picture’ of that person and how the condition is expressing itself in them at that particular time.

Hahnemann Homoeopathy, as we know it today, originated over two hundred years ago, founded by the German physicist, chemist and linguist, Samuel Hahnemann. However, the principles behind homeopathy date back to Hippocrates, the Greek physician from 5 BC and Paracelsus in the 16th century. It is widely used today in all parts of the world and has been used for generations by the British Royal Family.

The remedies are prepared in a special way that makes them a safe and gentle form of treatment. They are sourced from many different substances and prepared in a way that ensures that all toxic effects are removed leaving only the curative properties.

How does Homoeopathy work?

Our bodies are in a constant state of self repair. We know that if we cut or bruise ourselves, our bodies will automatically start the restorative healing process. This is true for all parts of our body but sometimes the body needs a bit of help to stimulate the correct healing process. The correctly prescribed remedy will maximise the body’s own healing processes and help to restore the patient naturally back to the best level of health possible for that particular person. It is gentle, subtle, yet very powerful.

Homoeopathic remedies are ‘dynamic’ in that they work on an energetic level. In many of the remedies used by professional homoeopaths, there is no material from the original substance actually in the remedy – but that does not mean that there is nothing there!

We cannot ‘see’ electricity but we know it is there and it works for the things we choose to use it for. Homoeopathic remedies are similar in a way, in that they all vibrate at certain energetic frequencies – it is the interaction between that energy and the energies in our body that stimulate the healing process

What conditions can be helped?

Homoeopathy treats the person rather than the named “disease” so potentially it can help patients with a wide range of conditions, both acute and chronic.

Illnesses commonly seen by homoeopaths in the clinic include recurrent infections (such as colds, tonsillitis, cystitis), skin conditions, hormonal, menstrual and menopausal problems, chronic fatigue, migraines and headaches, and stress related symptoms such as anxiety and insomnia, as well as IBS and other stomach disorders, ear infections and childhood complaints.

In my own practice, I have seen homeopathy successfully used to help improve longstanding chronic conditions, including eczema, asthma and arthritis.

Because homoeopathy aims to restore and maintain health and strengthen, all the bodies natural immunities rather than just fighting disease, any condition or illness could possibly benefit from constitutional homeopathic treatment.